These few lines of code will help control the mouse cursor and clicking.
import cv2 as cv import mediapipe as mp import pyautogui as gui # Step 1 cap = cv.VideoCapture(0) hand_detector = drawing_utils = screen_width, screen_height = gui.size() index_y=0 index_x=0 while True: _, frame frame = cv.flip(frame,1) frame_height, frame_width, _ = frame.shape rgb_frame = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) output = hand_detector.process(rgb_frame) hands = output.multi_hand_landmarks if hands: for hand in hands: drawing_utils.draw_landmarks(frame, hand) landmarks = hand.landmark for id, landmark in enumerate(landmarks): x = int(landmark.x*frame_width) y = int(landmark.y*frame_height) if id==8:, center=(x,y), radius=10, color=(0,255,150)) index_x = screen_width/frame_width*x index_y = screen_height/frame_height*y gui.moveTo(index_x,index_y) if id==4:, center=(x,y), radius=10, color=(0,255,150)) thumb_x = screen_width/frame_width*x thumb_y = screen_height/frame_height*y if abs(index_y-thumb_y)<22 or abs(index_x-thumb_x)<22: gui.sleep(1) cv.imshow('Virtual Mouse', frame) cv.waitKey(1)