1. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems

It is an open-access journal and, it collects very nominal fees from authors towards publication charges.  The publisher of this journal is, Intelligent Networks and Systems Society.  It bears the ISSN number as 2185 – 310X.

2. Walailak Journal of Science and Technology 

The Publisher is Walailak University.  It bears the  ISSN number as 1686 – 3933   and the E-ISSN number as  2228- 835X.  This is a multidisciplinary journal.  It contains 12 issues per year.

3. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems

The publisher of this journal is Institute of Advanced Scientific Research.  It bears the ISSN number as 1943-023X.  This is also a multidisciplinary journal.   One important difference between the first two journals we discussed, and this one is that the paper can be submitted as such without any formatting.

4. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering  Systems

The Publisher of this journal is J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek run by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology.  The ISSN number of this journal is 1847-6996   and the E-ISSN number is 1847-7003.

The journal charges a publication fee of EUR 200 for up to 8 pages and 30 EUR for each additional page. Author Guideline.

5. International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE)

ISSN(Print): 2394-5443

ISSN(Online): 2394-7454

APCs – $250 / INR 10,000

6. International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS)

ISSN(Print): 2075-0161

ISSN(Online): 2075-017X

DOI: 10.5815/ijmecs

APCs – Free

Besides finding and distinguishing dependable, reliable and very much perceived Scopus indexed journals in a specific discipline, another test that creators face is getting their work distributed by the journals that they have presented their work to, in fast time. This is on the grounds that even the smallest postponements in distribution can prompt total the finishes of one’s exploration to turn out to be completely superfluous over the long haul. The beneath recorded focuses should help any creator who is anxious to get his/her work distributed quickly by Scopus indexed journals to effectively do as such.


Ensure Your Cover Letter Is Compelling and Persuasive

Something else that all veteran writers who have distributed many examination papers across various universally perceived Scopus indexed journals is that they make a point to compose persuading introductory letters to the journals that they wish to have their exploration papers distributed in.

The whole motivation behind composing an introductory letter is to convince the distributing experts responsible for tolerating research papers at the journal that you are presenting your exploration paper that your paper merits distribution.

To do this you should feature –

the meaning of your exploration discoveries for your discipline,

how the finishes of your exploration place of business winning difficulties obstructing the advancement of your field,

the importance of your exploration work to the crowd and supporters of the paper,

the resourcefulness of the techniques/methodologies/approaches that you have utilized in doing your exploration work,

the validness of your examination work,

the unwavering quality and exactness of the outcomes that you have accumulated from your exploration endeavors,

the entryways that your examination opens for additional investigation and scientific pursuits in your field, and so forth

Guaranteeing that your introductory letter is by and by and expertly addressed to the top of the regulatory council responsible for tolerating papers for accommodation at the journal, while additionally trying to incorporate all the previously mentioned focuses is the way to composing a successful and convincing introductory letter.

Discover Scopus Indexed Journals That Offer Quick Publishing

Probably the most effortless approach to guaranteeing that your paper is distributed quickly by an all-around perceived Scopus indexed journal is to pick a journal that offers simple and speedy distribution.

Discovering which Scopus indexed journals have quick distribution handled set up is the way to getting one’s exploration work out there on the planet, in fast time.

To do this, each of the one needs to do is to –

Discover Top Scopus Indexed Journals

There are multiple ways of discovering Scopus indexed journals including –

looking at the Scopus site,

asking partners/peers on the off chance that they are aware of any sites,

inquisitive of division authorities in your college or school,

partaking in a gathering and utilizing the journals that are cooperating with it,

reaching out to prestigious creators whom you are aware of, and so forth

Distinguishing Those Journals That Have Swift Publication Processes

After you have distinguished a rundown of Scopus journals, you should simply single out ones that have fast distribution handled set up.

This should be possible by –

Reaching out to Journal Authorities

Probably the most effortless way of seeing whether a distribution has a fast journal distribution process set up is to contact the journal and reach out to them.

To do this you discover their contact subtleties from their –


web-based media pages,

business page on Google,

LinkedIn, or

visit the closest office/part of the journal and address the expert accountable for the 2020 Scopus distribution process.

Limited Down The List

After singling out which Scopus indexed journals have speedy distribution processes set up, you should start reducing this rundown further to only a couple journals.

This can do done by figuring out the journals according to their –

commonplace length for assessing,

breadth of organizing rules,

audits from different creators,

run of the mill span for Scopus distribution after fruition of checking on and altering.

Whenever you have done this load of things, you ought to have a very smart thought of which journals have fast distribution processes spot and which don’t.

In any case, something vital to remember is that not all journals that have speedy distribution cycles can be considered as genuine journals.

This is on the grounds that large numbers of these journals, despite the fact that indexed by Scopus, are frequently too careless in their exploring approaches, which is an obvious sign of their quality guidelines.

Having your paper distributed in such a journal that doesn’t view its exploring cycle in a serious way can result in –

the deficiency of your standing,

genuine mistakes in your examination paper being ignored,

your paper being distributed without the realities being validated,

non-adherence to designing rules,

inability to distinguish and amend conceivable counterfeiting issues, and so on

Make Things Easier For The Reviewing Committee

The exploring system is the lengthiest and most careful method in any paper distribution process, as it includes a ton of examination with respect to the inspecting advisory group of a journal.

The individuals from the inspecting advisory group have the hardest positions of every one of those occupied with a prestigious Scopus indexed journal as they need to filter through hundreds if not a huge number of examination papers each month and year.

Albeit this interaction can be accelerated, doing as such can end up being unfavorable to the standing of the actual journal attributable to the slip-ups and mistakes in the distribution that can be made therefore.

Maybe the most straightforward of ways for one to get their examination paper distributed rapidly by a journal is to make the method involved with inspecting their journal a lot simpler for the evaluating panel, by –

Sticking To All Formatting Guidelines

Ensure your whole exploration paper is altered and arranged according to the specific designing standards determined by the journal in its organizing rules.

Doing as such won’t just make the method involved with auditing your exploration paper simpler for the investigating board of trustees yet additionally demonstrate to them that you are a careful expert who focuses on detail and adheres to guidelines.

This will assist them with understanding that you are a top creator whose work merits distribution in Scopus journals, for example, their own.

Offering Access To All Raw Data

Trying to refer to all references and offer every one of the crude information that you have utilized in concluding your examination discoveries and results, will make it simpler for the checking on board of trustees to validate and confirm the verifiability of the outcomes and finishes of your exploration paper.

Guarantee There Is No Plagiarism

Give your paper a quick overview before really continuing to submit it to the journal specialists, just to guarantee that there are not pieces of your examination that are appropriated (regardless of whether you may have done as such unintentionally) or display indications of copyright infringement.

This will show to the checking on advisory group that you are somebody whose work is completely unique, and benefits distribution.

Fulfill Time constraints

One of the keys to assisting the quick distribution in Scopus indexed journals of worldwide notoriety is to stick to cutoff times as well as stay in front of them.

Those creators who get their papers in well-before the day of the cutoff times are bound to have their papers audited and distributed speedier than the individuals who presented their work not long previously or upon the arrival of the cutoff time.

Give Credit Where It Is Due

Guarantee that you have offered references for every one of those whose work you have alluded to or used in your exploration paper.

This will make it simpler for the looking into panel in tackling their job and working with their fast distribution of your paper in their journal.

Remembering all the previously mentioned factors while setting up your paper should assist you with getting your paper immediately explored by the board of trustees responsible for checking on research papers before distribution.

Impart Regularly and Follow Up

Monitoring the advancement of the looking into board and routinely keeping in contact with individuals in control will assist you with acknowledging what phase of the checking on process your paper is presently in.

This will help demonstrate to individuals from the journal’s inspecting panel that you are intense with regards to the quick distribution of your examination paper and are not to be trifled with.

The error that a ton of analysts and scholastics (even profoundly capable ones) who are hoping to get their exploration papers distributed in famous journals make is that they neglect to circle back to which phase of their evaluating interaction their examination paper is at present in.

Doing as such can end up being profoundly negative as they will neglect to see whether their paper has been totally ignored or forgotten by the examination advisory group.

Individuals from the assessing panel who work at famous journals regularly have their hands full with hundreds if not a great many examination papers to audit in limited abilities to focus time.

This implies that there is space for human mistakes to be made through disregarding an examination paper altogether or totally neglecting to audit it.

That is the reason it is significant that creators continually stay in contact with individuals from the investigating board of trustees so they have your examination paper continually as a top priority.

Fashion Relationships With Publication Authorities

One thing that all veteran creators confirm is that fashioning connections and relationship with specialists and authoritative individuals from well known Scopus indexed journals is an extraordinary way of getting your examination papers distributed in fast time.

There are different manners by which one can frame such associations with the managers of famous Scopus indexed journals, including –

  • organizing at significant level meetings,
  • setting up meetings with these people,
  • asking partners/bosses to set up gatherings with such experts,
  • reaching such experts through their Lin
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